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Tyrants Reign In World Today

Web Trawler

Archive 2015

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Federal Interstate Handgun Sales Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

August 3, 2015

In another excellent victory for civil rights by attorney Alan Gura, United States District Court Judge Reed O’Connor struck down the federal interstate handgun sales ban earlier today

Texas Woman Shoots, Kills Home-Invading Sex Offender

August 3, 2015

On Tuesday, a Texas woman home alone shot and killed a sex offender allegedly breaking into her house. She then dialed 911.

Boehner BEASTMODE: Why Don’t Senate Dems ‘Get Off Their Ass and Do Something?’

August 3, 2015

House Republicans held a press conference ahead of the Senate vote on the continuing to fund the Department of Homeland Security and block President Obama’s executive order on immigration.

Jon Stewart to Retire, Media Hardest Hit

August 3, 2015

Left-wing comedian Jon Stewart’s array of sycophants in liberal and supposedly mainstream outlets mourned the news of his impending retirement from The Daily Show Tuesday and Wednesday.

U.S. Not ‘Being Run Out of Town’ Despite Abandoning Third Embassy in Middle East

August 3, 2015

On Tuesday evening, the United States ordered the evacuation of all remaining staff at its embassy in Yemen. The evacuation comes on the heels of threats that the Yemeni rebels would kidnap foreigners.

Two Immigrants For Every New Job Since 2000

August 3, 2015

The United States has accepted two new immigrants for each additional job created since 2000, according to federal data.

September 2014 Archives

April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Web Trawler 9-1-14

Pew Research Shows Nation Deeply Polarized

Obama’s Divisional National Socialist Party Rhetoric

Operation Choke Point Used in Colorado Election

Obama Gives  his Master in Iran Nuclear Capability

Balkanization Reaps the Consequences of Law by Fiat

CIA Operative Obama Treachery is Treasonous

Web Trawler 9-2-14

Media Hacks Troubled by Obama’s Fecklessness

House Intelligence Chairman Foreign Policy MIA

Obama’s Military Action in Iraq are Strategic…?

Hello, Obama Russia has Invaded Ukraine

American Oil Patch Surpasses Saudi Arabia’s Output

Pew Research Shows Nation Deeply Polarized

Web Trawler 9-3-14

US Air Power Now Working for Shia Terror Group

Obama’s  Gaffe that was Heard Round The World

Obama’s Great Depression, Failure of the Keynesian's

National Socialist Senator Calls for new Economy

Oklahoma City PD Lays One  of Their Own to Rest

American Oil Patch Surpasses Saudi Arabia’s Output

Web Trawler 9-4-14

Obama -Daily Briefings on ISIS for Over a Year

Media Wonders How Obama Misreads Everything

Obama Ebola Message, Contradicts his First One

CDC Ebola Spiraling Upward, WHO-Out of Control

Uncle Sam Worried Over  Russian Rocket Engines

US Air Power Now Working for Shia Terror Group

Web Trawler 9-5-14

CIA Agent Claire Lopez Discusses IS Armageddon

Obama Passive  & Detached  Statements About ISIS

Joe Biden We  Will Chase You to the Gates of Hell

Senator Tom Coburn  Calls for a Convention of States

WHO -Ebola Death Toll in Africa Climbs to 1900

Obama -Daily Briefings on ISIS for Over a Year

Web Trawler 9-6-14

DOJ Confronted With Applying Law to the Lawless

Cuban Intelligence Service Recruit Leftist Academics

Obama’s Depression Fails to Deliver Jobs-Again!

NewsBusted Jodi Miller’s Mexico Must See Video

Netanyahu, Offers Condolences for  Steven Sotloff

CIA Agent Claire Lopez Discusses IS Armageddon

Web Trawler 9-8-14

Obama’s Economy Where Only the Wealthy Prosper

Depression Era Street Vendors Fill our Cities Streets

Joe Biden Spreads National Socialist Economic Lies

Media Hack Beckel AGW Worse Than ISIS

Iran Refusing to Assist IAEA Nuclear Investigators

Obama’s Depression Fails to Deliver Jobs-Again!

Web Trawler 9-9-14

Russia Continues Aggressive Moves Against USA

Economist Puts the Obama Economy in Perspective

Media Hack Blames WWI Treaty for Islamic Carnage

Ebola Continues to Spin Out of Control in Africa

Obama to Send Military to Africa to Fight Ebola

Joe Biden Spreads National Socialist Economic Lies

Web Trawler 9-10-14

Benghazi Bombshell Arms for Syrian Rebels-ISIS

Sotloff Family Accuses Obama of Using Son as Pawn

Obama Lamely Tries to Walk Back Remarks Over ISIS

Gun Control Proves Deadly Once Again in Chicago

Obama Is a Divisive Failure in New MSNBC Poll

Russia Continues Aggressive Moves Against USA

Web Trawler 9-11-14

Senator Ted Cruz Lambastes Harry Reid & Democrats

National Socialist Senators Outsmarted Themselves

National Socialists Fund Raise Over Environment

Top Georgia National Socialist Involved -Voter Fraud

GWU Students Woefully Unprepared for Future

Benghazi Bombshell Arms for Syrian Rebels-ISIS

Web Trawler 9-12-14

Obama Advances Islamic Barbarity and Carnage

Congressman Rips Obama’s ISIS Strategy to Pieces

His Days are Numbered , Has Obama Lost MSNBC?

Senator Ted Cruz Discusses Obama’s ISIS Strategy

National Socialist Senators Outsmarted Themselves

Senator Ted Cruz Lambastes Harry Reid & Democrats

Web Trawler 9-13-14

National Socialist Senators Votes to Repeal Rights

CIA Agent Obama Acting on Iran’s Behalf

Russia to Ramp Up Nuclear Weapon Development

Britain and Germany will not Join with Obama

Attorney Calls Out Obama Over ISIS Not Islam Talk

Obama Advances Islamic Barbarity and Carnage

Web Trawler 9-15-14

ISIS Goading Britain Over Killing David Haines

CIA Agent Obama Acting on Iran’s Behalf

CIA Agent Claire Lopez Discusses IS Armageddon

Obama Threatened Foley Family With Prosecution

GOP Audit the Federal Reserve Banking System

Russia to Ramp Up Nuclear Weapon Development

Web Trawler 9-16-14

Militia Groups Eye Shutting Down Border Crossings

Delusional New York Legislature Rights for Illegal's

US Intelligence Raises Threat Level from al Qaeda

Steven Crowder Looks at Moderate Islam

Hilary Clinton National Socialist Anointed for  2016

GOP Audit the Federal Reserve Banking System

Web Trawler 9-17-14

Muslim Labels Obama  Islamist Enabler In Chief

Obama Courts Iran in an Alliance  Against ISIS

Americas 50 Year War On Poverty Dismal Failure

Pelosi is Delusional and Acts Like She is Off Meds

Jodi Miller at Newsbutsed Blasts Obama Over ISIS

US Intelligence Raises Threat Level from al Qaeda

Web Trawler 9-18-14

Our Constitution was Adopted  227 Years Old Ago

Holder Stalling-Running Out Clock  on Fast & Furious

Obama Abandons His Obligation to the Military

Boehnor Wonders if Obama is MIA on Ebola…?

Illinois is Dead Last in Job Creation First in Welfare

Americas 50 Year War On Poverty Dismal Failure

Web Trawler 9-19-14

EPA  Plans Regulating CO2,  Won’t Say it’s Harmful

School Districts Police Dept’s  Militarized by Pentagon

Homeland Security Jeh Johnson Defies Obama

Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz is On Her Way Out?

Democrats Plot Debbie Wasserman Schultz Demise

Obama Abandons His Obligation to the Military

Web Trawler 9-20-14

Business  Exits Exceed Creation Under Obama

Obama Goes to War With ISIS & Generals With Him

Obama Declares War on Ebola & America  by Proxy

Obama Has Unleashed Biological War on America

Partisan Senate to Release Report Critical of GWB

EPA  Plans Regulating CO2,  Won’t Say it’s Harmful

Web Trawler 9-22-14

Obama Allowing the Barbarians Within Our Walls

Canada Has Nothing But Disdain for Obama

NCIS Hacks Personal Computers Of Entire State

Disgusting  Campaign Tactics by National Socialist

Jodi Miller with Another Newsbusted Episode

Business  Exits Exceed Creation Under Obama

Web Trawler 9-23-14

Civilization is Clashing with the Reality of Islam

Another Crisis for Mideast Iran’s Ayatollah near Death

ISIS Changes Tactics and Strategy Once Again

Lois Lerner Breaks Silence, Declares I Am Not Sorry…!

Awesome F-18 ‘s Fly the Canyons of Death Valley

Obama Allowing the Barbarians Within Our Walls

Web Trawler 9-24-14

Biden Working Against our Constitutional Rights

Reporter Refuses to Pay IRS  Over  Targeting  Scandal

Prosecutor Misleads Court Over D’Souza Sentencing

Free Beacon Discus Hilary’s Alinsky Letters  Video

Rush Limbaugh Castigates Media Over Hilary

Civilization is Clashing with the Reality of Islam

Web Trawler 9-25-14

Government Propaganda Effort Reinforces Repression

Russia Plans on Building Black Sea Fleet to 206 Ships

Ferguson Missouri Erupts in Violence and Riots Again

Students Protest, Over Patriotism, History & Civics

Biden Slams Romney Over Syria in 2012 Election

Biden Working Against our Constitutional Rights

Web Trawler 9-26-14

Obama’s  UN Speech on ISIS and Islam is Taqiya

Krauthammer Obama’s UN  Speech Surrender to Iran

Louie Gomert Obama’s UN Speech is Unbelievable

Chinese Think They Can Win War with America

Clinton’s Treat Media Like Pariahs & Lackeys

Government Propaganda Effort Reinforces Repression

Web Trawler 9-27-14

Khorasan Group Green Lights Repression & Tyranny

US Intelligence Raises Threat Level from al Qaeda

Obama Allowing the Barbarians Within Our Walls

Civilization is Clashing with the Reality of Islam

Government Propaganda Effort Reinforces Repression

Obama’s  UN Speech on ISIS and Islam is Taqiya

Web Trawler 9-29-14

Obama Lies Over Khorasan the Repression Continues

The Lefts Plodding March Towards Totalitarianism

Obama Is Only a Success in His Own Mind

Congressional Black Caucus Supports Black Genocide

Josh Earnest Spreads Lies for Obama Over al Qaeda

Khorasan Group Green Lights Repression & Tyranny

Web Trawler 9-30-14

Obama Spreading Racist Lies to the Black Caucus

Obama Lies About ISIS and Intelligence Again

Obama Warned for Years About ISIS in Iraq & Syria

Senator McCain Calls Out Obama on ISIS Lies

Russia Warns Obama Over Syrian Airspace  & Raids

The Lefts Plodding March Towards Totalitarianism

April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December