Category Archives: IRS

Congress IRS

Lois Lerner and the Kabuki Masters in Washington


Is it any wonder that our republic has come to a complete standstill, with Democrats and Republicans putting on a grand Kabuki exposition over Lois Lerner and her persecution of conservative groups seeking 501 (C3) & (C4) status.

 For those not familiar with the Japanese art of Kabuki, here is the definition from Wikipedia:

 “Kabuki (歌舞伎) is a classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theater is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers. Kabuki is therefore sometimes translated as “the art of singing and dancing”.

This is a good working definition for the completely sordid affair of Lois Lerner, which just happened to be Obama’s henchman in the IRS, or woman as the case may be. Her leftist politics and ideology, well known by the office staff when she was at the FEC, her previous Director level gig prior to her transfer to the IRS, making her the go-to and point person for targeting conservative groups.

Apparently not all those 322 meeting with the IRS and White House were wasted.

The House Committee on Oversight has just released a report confirming the Treasury Inspector General’s report that she had indeed illegally and with political motivations targeted Tea Party groups or as the evidence shows; groups that had such dangerous titles as ‘Patriot’ or ‘Tea Party’ in their name.

Which brings us up to speed on the background, now to the latest drama and hand wringing on this issue, Elijah Cummings the ranking Democrat member of the oversight committee has been shouting down all thoughts that she is guilty of anything, go figure. With angry words, being exchanged between himself and Darrel Issa the republican chairperson of the committee.

Which makes me wonder if we had these two gentlemen Issa & Cummings working as hard to bring the oppression and subversion of our constitutional rights to light and seek justice, asking that they actually pass laws barring such betrayal or seeking prosecution of Lois Lerner or Impeachment of Obama maybe too much to ask. The faux outrage (Video of Cummings) is just disingenuous, though indicative of the whole Kabuki theater that is Washington. 

I cannot help but think that this all staged like a Kabuki stage show with both sides doing a “side step” like Charles Durning in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (Charles Durning doing the routine), at least he was entertaining and had more credibility than either Cummings or Issa.

All that we have anymore is each side lying and wasting money as they each plot their latest re-election schemes on the nation and their electorates, as they carve us up like a Thanksgiving Turkey. We deserve better than these brigands and jackals that act as petty tyrants as the American people, left without leadership and governance from anyone. This begs for a second American revolution, only this time fought through the Constitution, to redefine the federal government once again, placing it back into its constitutional box by an amending convention, and repeal the 16th and 17th amendments as a first pass.

This first amendment would take the money out of Washington and leave them out of our pockets for good, the second would restore the ongoing check on federal power the States gave away with the 17th amendment. In addition, end this eternal theater of the absurd that is Washington polarized by Obama, the Democrats and Republicans alike, where the bizarre is commonplace and governance is non-existent and the media just ignores it all.

The author is a retired project engineer and executive who now blogs at and has started the Sons of Liberty Project.

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Surprise, George Soros Integrated Into IRS Targeting


With all the revelations about the IRS targeting conservative groups that apply for 501 (C3) or (C4) status for having the words ‘liberty’ or ‘patriot’ in their organizations name, we could possibly live with that. However, information from breaking stories from WND that none other than George Soros the Nazi collaborator from WWII is the moneyman behind the Urban Institute. Which has been contracted by the IRS to collect information from every non-profit that brings-in under $50,000 yearly; this unholy practice of collaboration goes back to the Clinton administration which created the practice of using the IRS as a political tool against conservative organizations with a vengeance.

What is it with the left that they have to use such oppressive force to subdue their political rivals, if their ideas, programs and legislation are so superior, why does it not stand on its own two feet, why all the subterfuge, oppression and force? We all know the answer to that question, because it can’t, so force must be brought to bear to stifle any dissent against these horrendous policies, that just end up being abuse of power at the end of the day. All this from the kinder, gentler, caring liberals and progressives, its enough to make you retch, they smile, kiss and lie with one side of their mouth and condemn with the other.

We now find out that Obama has taken this practice to new heights of abuse of power by codifying the abuse the conservative 501 (C4) organizations have experienced these last four years into new regulations that expand and justify their actions. Of course, he found out about this the same we did, on the evening news, which is after IRS officials had 322 meetings with White House staff since late 2010 after Democrats had their first humiliating election defeat.

Whom do you believe?

Lois Lerner the IRS official that is at the center of this abuse of power scandal has now refused to testify to a congressional oversight committee for the second time. In a bizarre twist of fate or circumstance, after being questioned by the DOJ. Without any immunity being offered or given, in other words voluntarily. She then takes her 5th Amendment rights with Congress though voluntarily discusses with the agency that would prosecute for violation of federal law.

The fix is in, she will be rewarded for a job well done, and all Congress can do is offer a futile effort to censure the retired official that is making a mockery of our entire system of justice. Obama feels invincible, he has no shame and congress has no spine, and the people well; we just get mistreated and no meaningful governance from anyone.

What this means is that an imperial president who is acting like the tyrant King George III will continue to do so, since there is not any effective opposition from Congress and the GOP, who are always too busy with their re-election schemes and  plans to be bothered with reigning in Obama and his leftist progressive machine.

Just like1776, this will need the attention of patriots to correct our current dilemma and we are sadly coming up short in this regard. Until we the people act to take back, our government just expect George Soros and Obama to continue suppressing our rights by oppressive government and collusive acts by progressive organizations and their wealthy supporters.

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