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Data Shows Economic Growth in 2013 Half What White House Said
March 31, 2014
The most recent report on the total output of goods and services in the U.S. marks the third and final revision for the fourth quarter and reveals that real GDP for all of 2013 increased by only 1.9 percent, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced Thursday.
Adorable little girl says lunch lady made her stop praying
March 31, 2014
A little girl claimed that her lunch lady caught her praying in the cafeteria and forced her to stop–and the Youtube video of the adorable tyke telling her parents about it has become a viral sensation.
It's Not Just the Obama Administration That Is Flouting Law, So Is the Fed
March 31, 2014
It would also appear to be a violation of the Constitution to locate the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by the Dodd-
Cleveland Clinic CEO: 3/4 Of Obamacare Signups Will Face Higher Premiums
March 31, 2014
A leading healthcare expert poured cold water on the administration’s recent Obamacare enthusiasm, saying that three quarters of those signed up will face higher premiums than under their previous insurance.
Will Brooke Literally Shoots Holes Through ObamaCare
March 31, 2014
Ahead of the midterm elections, Republicans are still calling for the law's repeal -
March 30, 2014
Sit back, relax and enjoy this video, it’s your worst nightmare come true cat’s really do want to take over the world, at least my Brother-
What does it say about our society when our children are kept from practicing their beliefs, the beliefs we ourselves embrace, that we have taught them from an early age, beliefs that defines our very being and nature as a family, member of our community and nation.
Are they to be secularized when they attend public education and stripped of their deepest held beliefs for the conformity of the State devoid of compassion and the humble act of thankful prayer for our daily sustenance and all that we may hold dear.
Is this what we are required to relinquish when our children attend public education?
If so, the cost is too high as we are losing the ability to reach out and connect with our higher power, our concept of religion and God itself, for the bland conformity of rote obedience to a concept of life devoid of joy, spontaneity and self expression. We are guaranteed the pursuit of happiness, as is seen through the eyes and speech of this little angel, let us not lose this precious gift to the tyrants incessant demands, God help us. From DC Caller.
A little girl claimed that her lunch lady caught her praying in the cafeteria and forced her to stop–and the Youtube video of the adorable tyke telling her parents about it has become a viral sensation. Constitutional law generally holds that schools can’t formally incorporate prayer into the curriculum ,and public officials can’t require prayer. Students should be allowed to pray on their own, however.
But according to the girl, when she tried to say a prayer before eating her lunch, a cafeteria supervisor stopped her. “I was about to pray and say something to Jesus,” said the girl. “My lunch teacher told me when I was about to say something that you’re not allowed to pray.” The girl’s parents asked her what she said in reply.
“It’s good to pray!” she said. Then they asked what the lunch lady said.“She just said, ‘It’s not good,’” recalled the girl. ”I said, it is good. But she said ‘it’s not good.’” The girl said she tried to pray again later, but was caught once again.
The parents told their daughter they were proud of her and that she is allowed to pray wherever she wants.
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