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Data Shows Economic Growth in 2013 Half What White House Said

March 31, 2014

The most recent report on the total output of goods and services in the U.S. marks the third and final revision for the fourth quarter and reveals that real GDP for all of 2013 increased by only 1.9 percent, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced Thursday.

Adorable little girl says lunch lady made her stop praying

March 31, 2014

A little girl claimed that her lunch lady caught her praying in the cafeteria and forced her to stop–and the Youtube video of the adorable tyke telling her parents about it has become a viral sensation.

It's Not Just the Obama Administration That Is Flouting Law, So Is the Fed

March 31, 2014

It would also appear to be a violation of the Constitution to locate the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by the Dodd- Frank Act inside the Fed. The Constitution requires that all government expenditures be authorized and funded by Congress.

Cleveland Clinic CEO: 3/4 Of Obamacare Signups Will Face Higher Premiums

March 31, 2014

A leading healthcare expert poured cold water on the administration’s recent Obamacare enthusiasm, saying that three quarters of those signed up will face higher premiums than under their previous insurance.

Will Brooke Literally Shoots Holes Through ObamaCare

March 31, 2014

Ahead of the midterm elections, Republicans are still calling for the law's repeal -- some more bluntly than others. Republican Will Brooke, who's running to replace retiring Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala.,

What Every Cat Lover Dreads

March 30, 2014

Sit back, relax and enjoy this video, it’s your worst nightmare come true cat’s really do want to take over the world, at least my Brother-in-Law thinks so, and Banecat proves it.

Chicanery of Obama’s Massive Spending Leads to Economic Ruin not Recovery

Obama’s massive spending has only suppressed the economy not stimulated it as he and his fellow Keynesian economic advisors claimed it would, this is no longer an academic argument but absolute proof as shown by the graph below. This growth was forecast downward four years in a row to what they claimed would be 3% GDP growth, the reality a paltry 1.9% that is after spending approximately 7 trillion dollars. That equates to approximately 3.7 trillion dollars for each percentage of GDP growth for 2013. Which is the 7 trillion divided by the actual growth experienced 1.9% there was no accrual or velocity of money associated with this massive transfer and spending as his economic team said would happen.

This is criminal that anyone would transfer so much wealth from the private sector for such miserable performance, heads should roll. this money is simply lost forever. As most was spent on so-called “entitlements” the Democrat & Republican word for their institutionalized charity programs under the guise of individual and corporate welfare to their voting blocs and political machines.

Of course Congress has helped in this regard by allowing all this money to be wasted. This is a direct result of the 16th amendment that allows these tyrants to take this money from citizens to be wasted without any repercussions whatsoever, this type of malfeasance screams for this amendments immediate repeal. What’s worse Congress has just given Obama the ability to spend whatever he wishes for the next two years as they have suspended the debt ceiling. This is how nation‘s go bankrupt. If the spending is not controlled and soon your dollars you hold in bank account and pocket will become worthless. From The Blaze.


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Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 2.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, revealing that economic growth last year was about half of what the White House promised it would be.

The most recent report on the total output of goods and services in the U.S. marks the third and final revision for the fourth quarter and reveals that real GDP for all of 2013 increased by only 1.9 percent, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced Thursday.

“In 2009, President Obama predicted his policies would produce 4.2 percent growth in 2013—more than double the actual, anemic growth rate of 1.9 percent,” ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said in a statement Thursday. “For 2013, the average of all four White House budget projections from 2009–2012 was 3.9 percent—still almost double the actual growth rate. These are not just academic figures—weakened growth means millions of lost jobs and reduced income.”